When people ask me my favorite handbag designer, I have a hard time answering the question. My favorites change typically depending on the season, collection, and quality of the products. but unequivocally I can always say that Chanel is one of my favorite brands and each time I go to their showroom I am reminded why their name pops to the top of my mind when people ask.
Recently, Chanel hosted a select group at a castle in Edinburgh, Scotland for a show that trumps anything I’ve ever seen. just as the show started in the partially covered courtyard filled with fire pits to set the mood, mother Nature realized she was part of a breathtaking experience and snow began to fall. What followed was a trip to Scotland like none other, with models wearing warm tartan prints and plaids, along with long white coats fit for game of Thrones. The bags and accessories were part of the show, of course, but they cannot genuinely be appreciated until checked out in person, and we had the pleasure of doing so.
The Chanel Métiers d’Art Collection Paris-Edinbourg may top my list at the most magical collection ever shown. The bags, well, they are just amazing. I’d love to put the collection into words, but I’ll just let the photos do the talking.